Your Postpartum Doula Supports You!

woman in a dark blue sweater holding a baby in a yellow shirt and white bow

There is a huge gap in our maternal health care system when we send a mother home only two days after birthing her child with no follow-up care besides a 2-week checkup. She is expected to heal after a significant medical experience while at the same time providing on-demand 24-hour care to her newborn. It…

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Benefits of Hiring a Postpartum Doula

two women sitting on a couch. The woman in the blue sweater is holding a baby

What is a postpartum doula? If you are a new parent, you are likely experiencing a wide range of emotions and challenges as you adjust to life with your little one. Fortunately, there is a trained professional who can help- a doula! Many people think that a doula is only available for pregnancy and birth.…

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